the construction has started!

The construction of the school has already started and the workers were preparing ground for the basement. The only problem that we are facing now is the shortage of cement in Tete. So at the moment we are trying to find the solution to get the cement cheaper (in the city the cement costs twice more than it used to be! and we cannot afford it).

Our workers


maktub76 said…
Hi dear...I found your blog because of one our "friend" in common...
I felt uma saudade profonda...I spent in Chiuta 2 weeks last year(my camp future)and to see how everything is changed, improved...make me really happy.
Saudade for all the students with I spent a really great time.
If you have opportunity give a big hug to all of them and tell them that nunca vou a esquecer os.
How I can see you are doing a great job there...I m happy that there are a lot of good person, like you, who are continuing com grande paixao o trabalho feito da outros voluntarios antes...eles "precisam" de nos e nos precisamos deles...desejo que esta troca nao vai a acabar nunca!
It was a way to say thanks for being there...
Good luck and enjoy your time there!
ex italian DI 2006/2007

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